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生活娱乐 + 自我提升



图21:州政府行政大廈(Bangunan Tuanku SyedPutra)

二戰爆發,日軍入侵檳榔嶼,大鐘樓后的殖民政府大廈在連日炮火中毀于一旦,然而殖民政府在戰後并沒有在原地重建,而把行政重心轉移唐寧街,在該處興建新的行政大樓,即是現在俗稱為“九層樓”的州政府行政大廈(Bangunan Tuanku SyedPutra)。 獨立后,首席部長行政議員及秘書的辦公室,還有很多部門,如工商、經濟、教育、新聞、旅遊、鄉市發展、電訊、郵政等都集中在該大廈。 直至光大興建完工,還把所有重要部門遷至光大廣場,只留下,勞工局、碼頭衛生處、國貿部、企合部、消費人仲裁庭、關稅局等




“Moey She Temple is one of the lesser known temples in the inner quarters of George Town. It is located along Penang Street, within the Little India district of the city. Moey She Temple is a clan temple for Chinese people holding the surname "Moey". It is a Cantonese-style clan temple that was built along Penang Street in 1905. Much of the facade is of granite. At the front gate is a pair of ceramic lions perched on the gate. The eaves on the roof are decorated with eaves board and supported by tall granite pillars with lantern beams across them. On both sides of the front door of Moey She Temple are granite panels on which words of praise are inscribed. The roof is decorated with mystical beasts including the celestial fish and pearl. The temple is only one storeys high but the walls are built to a height of a two storey building. Inside the temple are wooden altars and other traditional Chinese furniture. ”



“檳榔嶼廣東暨汀州會館是全馬歷史最悠久的地緣性組織,依據1989年由研究檳城史及華人史30年的鄭永美在白雲山第一公塚發現的墓石,廣汀會館於清乾隆六十年,即1795年已存在。 這個刻上“清顯考字廷賢曾公之墳墓,廣東廣州府香邑”的墓石,截至目前是所發現最早的一座墓碑。 換句話說,檳榔嶼廣汀會館今年已有205年歷史,相信是馬、新唯一跨越18至20世紀,如今昂首準備迎向21世紀的華社組織。”









图26:加峇Barkath Stored (PG) Sdn Bhd

“The history of Kumpulan Barkath traces back to 1945 when a visionary entrepreneur, the late Haji Abu Backer bin Mohd Hussain founded a sundry shop called BARKATH STORES at Union Street, Penang. With good business acumen, Haji Abu Backer turned BARKATH STORES from a small family business to a profitable business venture, beginning with the local manufacture of “Hacks” sweets originally from the U.K. and other confectioneries including processing of frozen foods. ”




“萊特街是早期的檳島四大主要道路,也是最早開闢的道路之一。 19世紀時期,萊特街屬於舊關仔角殖民政府行政範圍,因此街道旁皆是政府的辦公樓。 至今仍有數座歷史悠久的建築物屹立在萊特街,建于1809年的檳州法庭是其中最古老的行政大樓。 離法庭不遠的修道院女校也已經擁有154年的歷史,它也是東南亞最古老的修道院之一。修道院除了擁有教堂和修道場,當年還收留孤兒和開辦教室。 除此以外,萊特街上州議會大廈、康華利堡、大鐘樓、市政廳和關仔角草場都超過百年歷史。 由於檳城的行政重心已經移至光大,現在的萊特街除了重大節目才顯得特別熱鬧外,平時也只能看到三三兩兩的旅客行走在街道。”

图28:丽罗旅社茶室 (Rio Hotel & Kedai Kopi)


A good place to go for a great cup of local coffee and freshly toasted bread with kaya (coconut jam) would be Rio Hotel and Kedai Kopi at the junction of Bishop Street and Lebuh King (King's Street).


图29:Pinang Peranakan Mansion

一座Baba Nyonya居所,里面展示了过千的古董和收集品。这座居所建于1890年。

“Originally the home of Kapitan Chung Keng Kwee, leader of Penang and Perak Hai San groups in the Larut Wars from 1860 to 1884. The mansion is a typical representation of the Straits Eclectic style of architecture – highly favoured by rich Peranakan families of old. Affectionally called 'Hai Kee Chan' or Sea Remembrance Store, it served as his residence and office. ”



图30:India House

建于1937年, 曾经辉煌一时的建筑物默默的藏在乔治市,目睹了一切。

“India House is a double-storey building on the corner of Beach Street and Church Street Ghaut, and carries an address on both streets. It was built in 1937 in the Indian Art Deco style, by S.N.A.S Sockalingam Chettiar. Today it appears a bit worn down, but when it was first built, it was the highest assessment payer along expensive Beach Street. ”

