图11:Church Street Pier
“The Church Street Pier, for many years a run-down, abandoned pier, was recently refurbished. Built in 1897, the Church Street Pier hails from a more romantic era when the Penang Channel was a much busier waterway. You can stand on the pier and imagine the waterfront choked full with sampans, perahus, junks, steamships and cruise vessels of varying sizes. Today the scene at the harbour would seem more orderly and perhaps less picturesque.Before the construction of the present ferry terminal, the Church Street Pier was used by motorcars. After that, it was used by small boats, before eventually closing down, a fate shared by other similar jetties that used to line the waterfront. Among the jetties that are now history include the Railway Jetty at China Street Ghaut and the Victoria Pier at Downing Street Ghaut. ”http://www.asiaexplorers.com/malaysia/church_street_pier.htm
图12:Cheong Fatt Tze’s servants' quarters
“Shophouses which were formerly the servants' quarters attached to the Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion. They have undergone renovation and adaptive reuse to become food and beverage outlets.”
图13:Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion
张弼士故居,另外一个名字是<蓝屋>,<<蓝屋>>建于1897年,花费7年的时间才建竣。它占地5万3千平方英尺,建筑面积为3万4千平方英尺,共有38间房、5个天井、7个楼梯及220扇窗,蓝屋之大由此可见端倪。房子是典型闽南风格。这座豪宅是中国近代资本家CHEONG FATT TZE在南洋的房产,此人从年少身无分文到日后成为跨国巨富,被西方人称为中国最后一个满清官吏第一个资本家。他也是当时满清驻美总领事,负责中国第一条铁路的运作以及成立第一家现代银行。
“The winner of UNESCO's Asia-Pacific Heritage 2000 Award for ConservationCheong Fatt Tze was the Hakka name of the powerful Nanyang industrialist who was also known as Chang Pi Shih (in the Mandarin language) alias Thio Tiauw Siat (Fujian dialect). He became a Mandarin of the Highest Order in the government of China. Regarded as one of the most prominent historic personalities of the East, Cheong was the Qing Government's Consul-General in Singapore, a director of China's first modern bank and first railway, and Special Trade Commissioner for Southeast Asia. His importance was acknowledged by flags flown at half-mast by Dutch and British Governments when he died. The China-born Hakka came as a penniless immigrant to the island of Java. Prospering from Dutch contracts in Sumatra, he ran steamships plying between Medan in North Sumatra and Penang. He moved his base to Penang in the early 1890s, where he served as the Qing government's Vice-Consul (the highest post in Penang), representing the Chinese of Malaya and the Dutch Indies, before being promoted to Consul-General in Singapore. In Penang, he built his family home and donated generously to Chung Hwa Confucian School, the Kek Lok Si Temple, and many other causes. He continued to expand his empire of trading, shipping, opium, agriculture and mining in Southeast Asia. In China, he was director of China's railway works and its first modern banking institution and at one point even became economic advisor to the Empress Dowager. Just before his death in 1916, he undertook a mission to America on behalf of Yuan Shi-Kai's Republican government, for which the New York Times dubbed him 'China's Rockefeller'. The new owners of the Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion have carried out a Grade I restoration over the last few years, and the monument is now ready for viewing. -The house was built and named after a Hakka migrant in 1890. He was born a penniless person but eventually became the most powerful overseas Chinese merchant of his time in Nanyang. Moving to Penang, he continued to build his empire of shipping, opium and mining in Southeast Asia. The house is a magnificent architectural marvel with distinct European styling and stained-glass windows. Today, the house is open for visitors to learn more about Cheong's history through antiques and paraphernalia displayed in the building. ”
图14:Convent Light Street
“At the end of the road is the Convent Light St, or Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus, a girls' school established by a French Sisters' Mission in 1852. Within the walled complex is one of the oldest buildings in George Town, the bungalow of Francis Light which dates back to around 1793. As the seat of the Penang Government in the early 19th century, it was called the "Government House". Stamford Raffles, founder of Singapore, worked here from 1805 to 1810 as Deputy Secretary to the Governor of Penang. The Convent which took over the site then added a chapel, cloisters for the Sisters, an orphanage, a boarding house for student boarders and many classrooms. Today, it is the most important inner city school in Penang and the oldest school complex in the country, having remained on this site for almost one and a half centuries. ”
图15:Court Buildings
“The Court Buildings today house the High Courts. Logan's Monument is located in the grounds. The dedication proclaims Logan, who died in 1869, as "an erudite and skillful lawyer, an eminent scientific ethnologist" who has "founded literature for these settlements". Apart from being a fearless advocate, the prolific intellectual was also the editor of the Pinanq Gazette and founder of the Journal of the Indian Archipelago and Eastern Asia in 27 volumes, also called Logan's journals. ”
图16:Town Hall
19世纪建造物,是一间与City Hall并肩宏立的建造物。
“The Town Hall, like the City Hall, has a balcony that overlooks the Padang. In olden days, the elite used to gather on the balconies of the Municipal Council buildings to view the processions and games held below ”
图17:Chinese chamber of commerce (中华总商会)
“ The Chinese Chamber of Commerce building in Penang is a corner building wrapped from Penang Street to Light Street with a colonnaded five-foot way on the outside. It was designed by a local architect, Chew Eng Eam in 1926. On the rooftop is an open air verandah with splended views of the greens of Esplanade or Padang Kota. The building carries ornamentations in the form of urns, corbels, terrace balustrades and mock Tudor gable. ”
图18:Queen Victoria Clock Tower
建于1902年,“钟楼留下刻印著英文字体“ This Clock Tower was Presented to Penang by Cheah Chen Gok Gsyn is commemoration of her Mejasty Queen Victoria's ”钟楼高60英尺,象徵维多利亚女王在位60年。钟塔外观分为4层,每一层有不同的立面处理,并逐层缩小平面。地面底座是个八角形平面。朝土库街的那面为正方,门口有个八字开阶梯。第二层实为两楼,中间四面皆凸半圆露台,台底收锥形,窗头设马蹄拱。第三层亦是四方形四面各设一面大时钟。顶屋重复八角平面,由八根短柱撑顶一个底盘出檐的大葱顶。这殖民地──蒙兀儿(Colonial-Mogul)或“Raj”式样显然受到当时吉隆坡政府大厦如高等法庭(The Sultan Abdul Samad)建筑的影响。那是一种试图将印度回教建筑与欧洲古典建筑结合,以便体现回教地域政治的色彩,不过槟城的公共建筑物就只一列。其他还是走新古典主义路线。由於钟楼的造形别致,独然矗立,又与四周如炮台、政府机关大楼构成优美的都市景观,自建成後不只成为乔治市的地标之一,更是明信片最受宠爱摄取的景物。唯战後周遭的改变使它渐失色。80年代一栋马来商会大楼庞然大物一盖,钟楼便被比矮成微物了。”
图19:City Hall
建于1903年,耗资100,000 Straits Dollars。当Esplanade草场有节目时,大家都会过来这里拍张照片留念。
“The majestic City Hall is the jewel in the Municipal Council's crown. The Council Chamber, where the 24 Municipal Councillors regularly convene, is located on the ground floor. The small monument you see on the Esplanade is the Cenotaph, a memorial to victims of World War 1. ”
图20:City Hall 建于1923年,历史不详