图1:Saint Francis Xavier Church
"Bishop Boucho, who was responsible tor encouraging the founding of education missions in Penang, also started an Indian parish in 1857. The Tamil-speaking Catholics used the cemetery chapel for the first I0 years. The Saint Francis Xavier Church was then built in 1867 on land donated by the Godfrey family to the Church of the Assumption. The church is named after Saint Francis Xavier, the famous 'Apostle of the Indies' who brought Christianity to the non-European peoples of Portuguese Malacca in the 16th century. "
图2:St. Joseph's Home
"The home was first founded in 1865 and was then known as St Joseph's Orphanage. At present there are 59 children (26 boys and 23 girls) ages from 5 to 17 years.With its mission statement being the HOLISTIC DEVELOPMENT AND REINTEGRATION OF THE CHILDREN INTO SOCIETY, the pillars of the Home are:- Formation- Education- Community LifeTo prepare the children to meet the challenges of time, the Home has introduced new services. Notably the Home has established vocational skills training for those in the Home and outside the Home (those of poor social economic background) who are not academically inclined so that they can be independent in the future. They have also started a new program on teaching/ learning methods to stimulate and motivate the children towards learning. This is done by activity-based learning, which is conducted in small groups of six children at the maximum."
图3:Residence of Ku Din Ku Meh
Ku Din Ku Meh(1848-1932) 的居所。
"Ku Din Ku Meh was born in Anak Bukit, Kedah around 1848. He started his career at 14 as Head of Kedah Prisons. Ku Din was a literary man, fluent in Malay and Thai. He was known to have transcribed a book of laws in 1894. His diary and some jawi records pertaining to his administration in Setul (Satun) are now kept in the Thai National Archives in Bangkok. In 1897, Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah of Kedah appointed him the High Commissioner of Setul. At the time, Setul, Kayang and Phuket were provinces of Kedah under the domination of Siam. Setul later became a part of southern Thailand under the Treaty of Bangkok in 1909. Ku Din was highly regarded as an administrator, judging by the various advances which he introduced to Setul in the areas of administration, agriculture, trade and commerce, and education. In 1902, Ku Din assumed the title 'Raja of Setul' and used the name Tengku Baharuddin bin Tunku Meh. During his time, the local ports of Setul traded actively with Rangoon and Penang. Ku Din himself owned several shipping vessels exporting goods such as birds' nests, timber and coconuts from south Thailand to Penang. Ku Din married a woman from Penang, and had his trading office in this town house on jalan Penang. The Siamese government retained Ku Din Ku Meh in his position until he retired in 1916. He passed away in 1932 and was entombed in Setul. "
图5:Christian Cemetery
坐落在乔治市中间,有一个安宁和最古老的基督教墓地。凉爽的树荫和多民族都一起埋葬在这里,这是那么的叫人惊喜和兴奋。这墓地是18世纪后期,本为St. Xaviers' Church的天主教墓地,连同邻近的新教墓地是最古老的埋葬地由Captain Francis Light在1786年成立。
在这里,最古老的坟墓是属于一个葡萄牙夫人,名字叫Rita Antonio dos Reys,来自澳门和死于1798年3月24日。
"在莱特的四方形坟墓边,围绕着许多当代槟城赫赫有名的欧美闻人,如槟榔屿英殖民地历届总督约翰本尼曼、菲力敦达斯等人;正义报人约翰礼查申罗根;牛汝莪大园主大卫布朗;新加坡开埠者莱弗士的姨丈;伦敦传教士协会的哈靖神父、汤姆士神父等等的荒墓。 这些闻人相传多数死于当时不知名的热带感染病,或者天花。这场浩劫据说是由于大规摸的森林伐木活动所引致的。 另有一座较为人津津谈论的是汤姆士罗若文的坟墓。汤姆士罗若文是一名年轻军人,他的妻子安娜,曾是19世纪的暹罗(今泰国)皇宫御任英文教师。安娜在皇宫的生涯日记,被后人撰编成电影《国王与我》以及近期的《安娜与国王》。 另外有卅余座介于1860年至1880年间的坟墓,据说是一批中国客家基督信徒所属,他们当时为了逃避爆动事件而逃亡至槟城。 这里最早的坟墓建于1798年,最后一个则在1892年。总共有六百个荒墓。在坟场的东方,您也可以见到两座槟城早期的精雅建筑物。一座是闻人梁飞的儿子所属,建于1926年,建筑风格就如莱特路的梁飞故居一样,充斥着欧式豪华气派。 另一座是靠海的中英混合式建筑,建于1888年。它的宝塔式五层楼还保留得十分完整,目前为一间小学校舍。 走向坟场的南方,你就会见到一座罗马天主教坟场,这里是槟城早期修女传教团的坟墓。"
"时中分校旧址建于1880年代,原是属於谢德顺住宅,是槟城第一栋五层楼建筑,俗称“GOH CHAN LAU”。外观为中英混合式,内部空间仍保存有中国建筑式的门厅屏扇,其高耸的比例相当罕有,即使火劫之后仍然相当完整;是本土中西合璧式建筑的另一特色。谢德顺女婿,吴世荣即孙中山革命最有力的支持者,将“五层楼”豪宅出售,全力支持革命事业。 1908年戴喜云购为私邸,即第四任清朝驻槟领事(1907-1911),其子戴培元于民国成立后续任为中华民国领事(1912-1930)。后曾一度改为与E&O同等的酒店RAFFLES-BY-THE-SEA。1938年始借用于时中分校,日本占领时期成为军营,和平之后即为英军占有,至1949年始交回校舍,至90年代时钟分校因学生来源大量减少,才迁至BAYAB BARU新市镇;戴氏家族始转手于发展商。 从历史背景来看,与中国革命华侨,清朝至民国领事馆,豪华酒店,及至军营,华文小学使用;均于近百年华人南来移民,成功发迹;从意识形态上从新清朝至支持革命,并到抗战独立后的从华侨变成马来西亚华人的转变,却有很清除的脉胳可寻。“五层楼”若可如建议中改变成有关于华人南来开发的历史馆,肯定会有很恰当的意义。"
"Lim Lean Teng Mansions is not a residential mansion but a three-storey office block along Lebuh Farquhar in George Town.Lim Lean Teng was probably made famous by his donation of the 26 acres of land to the Teochew clan to build a school (in pre-war time) - The Han Chiang High/Primary School (now Han Chiang College) in Penang. The school has a prominent bronze statue right in front of it speaks louder than any description (though not much in the English fraternity) people may reckon."
图8:Cathedral of the Assumption
"Shortly after Captain Francis Light arrived on Penang Island in 1786, he arranged for the first Roman Catholic community to be brought over by ship from the parish in Kuala Kedah. This community was made up of descendants of European settlers who had intermarried with the Burmese and Siamese. Due to political persecution, they had emigrated from Phuket and Ligor to Kedah, before moving to Penang. Several Eurasian Catholics were recruited into Light's early administration. The Church of the Assumption, originally founded at Church Street by Father Garnault in 1786, was so named because the first group of Roman Catholic Eurasians from Kedah landed in Penang in 1786 on the eye of the Feast of the Assumption. The church moved to Farquhar Street in 1857, where it occupied a temporary building on the site of the present Convent Orphanage. The present church building and the adjacent presbytery were erected by Father Manissol. When it opened in 1861, it could accommodate 1,200 members of the Assumption parish. In 1955, when the church was raised to the status of the Cathedral of the Diocese of Penang, the sanctuary was renovated to set up the seat for the first Bishop of Penang, the Right Reverend Monsignor Francis Chan. The Catholic community around the church has now dwindled to a few homes along Argus Lane, behind the cathedral, including a 19th century Anglo-Indian bungalow adjoining the church compound. "
"公元1796年,广东梅县人古石泉在槟城(Pinang,又名George Town)创办首家中药店——仁爱堂,其后裔敦守祖训,经营药业百年不衰。公元1881年华人叶观盛在吉隆坡创办中医机构培善堂,公元1894年扩大院址,增建楼房,更名为同善医院。又有黄进聪等人在按城创办南华医院,公元1884年开业接论。这两家医院的开设标志着马来西亚的中医事业正式开始,为近由年来的发展打下基础。本世纪20年代,马属各地先后建立医院、诊所近2O家,也出现了中医药组织,以1924年成立的麻坡中医药研究所为最早。此期,中药店增至数百家,仅吉隆坡、槟城两市均各有200个中药店铺,一般是家庭式经营,规模较小。1929年,Hooper调查马来中药店经营情况,发现药店常经销近500种药物,其中植物类占90%以上,也有数十种动物药与矿物药,店家内设小作坊,进行粗加工或调制药茶4~6种,如田七人参茶、清凉菊花茶、苦味中药茶(成分不详)等均沿街兜售。当地气候潮湿炎热,四季如夏,用中草药保健甚为普遍,以祛暑胜湿、解毒辟秽。"
图11:The Malayan Railway Building,
"The Malayan Railway Building, now called Wisma Kastam, was one of the most prominent buildings in Penang in the early 20th century. Indeed it was the first sight of George Town for visitors to Penang, being the tallest building in town for decades.The Malayan Railway Building =was built at Gat Lebuh China (China Street Ghaut), an extension of Lebuh China following reclamation work in the late 19th century. At that time, Malaya's tin mining industry was in full swing, and the Malayan Railway Building provided much-needed space to house the administrative offices and ticketing booths for the railway company. The people in Penang called it the only railway station without a rail because passengers buying train tickets at the station have to first take a ferry, the Railway Ferry Steamers, to Butterworth, to catch the train."